Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any particular questions you would like to ask me, you may find what you are looking for here first. If you can't find what you are looking for please contact me at lianne-issa-art@hotmail.co.uk
May I use your drawings for tubing, colouring, tagging etc...?
I am quite happy to release the drawings on my website free of charge to use for tubing, blending, colouring etc but they are only to be used in a non commercial manner. When using my drawings you still need to add my copyright. © Lianne Amanda Issa and my website address: www.lianneissa.co.uk
Please ask permission first and when you are finished, send me what you have done and if I get enough, I will feature them on my website.
Do you do commissions and how much do you charge?
I do create commissions when requested... i charge £150 for an A4 portrait featuring one person, this includes the frame. For anything larger or more complicated prices will vary. If you are interested in a commission please contact me either by the contact form on this website or via email. lianne-issa-art@hotmail.co.uk
What paper do you use?
Generally speaking, most of the drawings featured on this website are created using A4 Bristol Board Smooth... but more recently I have moved over to A3 which is much better for highly detailed drawings.
May I redraw your drawing?
You may not reproduce/re-draw any of my drawings without written permission.
If you want to either redraw or vary a concept in your own style, you will need to contact me first at lianne-issa-art@hotmail.co.uk
and get permission. Not only is it a copyright violation but it's also disrespectful to steal others hard work and ideas.
Where should I report copyright infringement?
Any copyright violation should be reported to lianne-issa-art@hotmail.co.uk
I Generally allow my artwork to be used in school projects and other non commercial use, so please don't hesitate to ask.
May I publish your drawings on my website?
I allow my drawings to be displayed on other websites. Feel free to post my drawings on your personal website, blogs, fan sites etc. as long as you always link back to my website: www.lianneissa.co.uk It would be nice if you could mention my name alongside the drawing too if possible.